Defined as a period of reflection or deep thought, musings are the heartbeat of these short films offering a heartfelt invitation into my window of intimate Introspection. I am creating space for me to create any type of content I want. What is my goal? To honor myself authentically. Honestly, this for me. Sharing it with you all is part of the life long challenge of sharing myself with others, with hope that I will reach the hearts and minds of people that I am supposed to resonate with. The large lift is creating and posting each musing consistently. It would be an additional gift to have others watch and a true blessing to have people interact and share thoughts.
When I started this project, the loudest musing was, “What does God say to babies right before they are born?” I’ve contemplated this question so often over the years. Being that the first of 33 Musings would be premiered on New Year Day, it seemed fitting to provoke thought and see where other people landed with the question.
You can find 33 Musings on Youtube. Subscribe and turn on notification to be notified of each premiere. I’ll be writing a corresponding post with each film, be sure to subscribe to MOOARmagazine as well.